Sports Science & Fitness Congress 2017

Christian Kopkow

Christian Kopkow
Christian Kopkow
Christian Kopkow, physical therapist, PhD, Professor for Physiotherapy at the Hochschule für Gesundheit (University of Applied Sciences) in Bochum, Germany.

His research focus: musculoskeletal physiotherapy, reliability and validity of physical examination, development of core outcome sets, health services research.

Christian has published several articles in peer-reviewed journals and book chapters and is member of the Executive Committee German Society for Physiotherapy Science.

Speaking on Sunday at 14:40 about Scapula dyskinesis – relevant or overrated in overhead athletes? / Room: Lecture hall 1 - Coffee break

Speaking on Sunday at 17:50 about Meet the expert: Participants are allowed for asking questions about the specialized areas of Christian Kopkow. / Room: Lecture hall 1
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