Sports Science & Fitness Congress 2017

Our vision is, that the cutting edge of science is attainable for the majority of people, comprehensible, suitable for daily use, and with long-lasting effects.
We keep the fee as low as possible to increase the opportunity to become a part of a yearly platform for sharing relevant new developments and building on accumulated knowledge.
The main theme of the SSF-Congress 2017 is putting science into practice to show congress participants how to further improve therapy and training.
Renowned presenters from international institutions are going to hold lectures to ensure that the quality of the presentations is as high as possible.
The next congress will take place on September 22nd - 24th 2017.
Registration is opening on Friday, Sep.22nd, 8:30 am at the main entrance of the German Sport University. Opening on Sep.23/24 is 8 am.

Abstract Submission
Call for
- Mini orals
- Oral presentations
- Print-Poster
- E-Poster
Contents and Main topics
The topics that will be addressed shed light on current as well as future-oriented research questions, drawing on recent research findings and presenting hands-on realization possibilities.
Leading experts insights present new results from their field of expertise and research, with a special focus on the results that can be easily transferred into daily business.
A mixture between speakers with different complementary competencies makes for a quality which can hardly be found elsewhere. Even though the congress is located in Germany, all lectures will be held in English, the leading language in sports science and research.
The congress includes topics around current and trend-setting issues in sports science, fitness, nutrition, sports medicine, strength and conditioning, exercise science and were chosen methodically, i.e. topics connect to each other, sustain or build on each other and create convergence.
Pre congress workshops
We are pleased to offer 2-days workshops prior to the congress: Workshops 2017

Industrial Exhibition
Sponsors are chosen not only because of innovative development but also according to their relevance for daily practice. The number of exhibitors is limited to 10 exhibitors. This is done to ensure the specialist character of the event as well as the possibility of getting in touch directly with clients.
The German Sport University Cologne, lecture hall 1, is the perfect venue for the innovative and international Sports Science & Fitness Congress because of its ideal location. It is close to an international airport and can be just as easily reached from Cologne main station. Furthermore, Cologne offers a variety of cultural events and due to the date of the congress, international visitors might consider attending other well-known attractions in Germany like the Oktoberfest (Munich) which starts on Sep. 17th.
20th and 21st of September 2017
Pre congress workshop: Athletic knee injuries /Tendon Workshop